1. Each region has different customs.
2. One rule in a region may differ from rules in other areas.
2. One rule in a region may differ from rules in other areas.
So you are not confused more than anything else until the forfeiture / punished because do not know the applicable regulations, it is better to read a list of what should and should not be done in several countries the following:
Forbidden out of the house without wearing underwear.
To reduce the level of traffic congestion the city of Manila, was designated that: Numbered end of one vehicle or two is not allowed to operate Monday on the Day. Figures 3 & 4 are not may Day Tuesday, 5 & 6 should not be on the Day Wednesday, 7 & 8 should not be on the Day Thursday, 9 & 0 is not allowed on the Day of Friday. This regulation is effective from 07.00 am each day.
a. Gardening prohibited on Sundays. The reason: Noisy!
b. Although Swiss citizens are prohibited from selling, buying, smuggling and producing alcoholic beverages, but they are allowed to consume them.
Forbidden to paint the house without permission from pemerintahdan have to use paint that has a certificate / license from the government.
South Korea
The police are required to report the amount they received bribes from motorists who they ticket.
a. Forbidden to sell gum in Singapore pemen
b. Forbidden to walk without clothes (naked)
c. No watering after the waste water in the toilet, may be subject to fines
d. If you are caught spitting three times, you are required to clean the streets on Sundays with a hand writing on the chest "Iam a Litterer"
e. Prohibited from peeing in the lift / elevator
a. Prohibited from selling vegetables on Sundays (except carrots)
b. Women were forbidden to eat chocolate in a public place
c. Retrieve items thrown away, can be punishable by criminal terrorism
a. Women who work in government offices are prohibited from using mini-skirts or clothes that can "provoke" co-workers during working hours.
b. Banned swearing in public places.
a. Men who mengenakanrok mini in a public place subject to imprisonment
b. Hitting people with fists threatened with persecution criminal law. But beat people with tables and chairs are considered self-defense.
a. Children aged over 18 years (under 21) are prohibited from buying cigarettes, but smoking is allowed.
b. Reproduction lift telephone on the first ring
c. Only licensed electrical workers who may replace home lighting
d. Hot pants are prohibited from using the Pink on Sundays.
Prohibited from wearing hats in the sports stadium, because it can interfere with the views of others China Only smart kids are allowed to lecture (and this must be proved with the value the State receives a diploma exam).
a. Wound plaster removed prohibited in public places
b. Prohibited water the plants in the garden when it's raining
c. Prohibited from peeing in all tempatdi Canada (except the toilet of your own home)
d. Prohibited from climbing trees
a. Banned kissing in the subway
b. Reproduction your pet pig named "Napoleon"
a. Prohibited from raising pigs in the land of Israel, people who do so will ditembek die.
b. Reproduction ngupildi Saturday / Sunday
c. Forbidden to ride a bicycle, except have a license to ride a bicycle.
Hong Kong
Reproduction for littering (though only a cigarette butt), if they break / force it will be visited by the police / intel / thugs who are ready for your tickets with a value of 1.5 million tickets, -. Had it can not pay, be prepared into the hotel without cost!.
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